Holiday Stroll
The Chamber and members of the business community along with many local organizations have organized many holiday events from bazaars to the community tree lighting at the Town Square for all to enjoy this holiday season.
Everyone is invited to bundle up and gather to bask in the glow of one of Havre’s holiday traditions while joining family and friends at the Town Square for the ceremonial lighting of the community Christmas tree.
The Super Certificate Drawings and the two kids’ Holiday Basket drawings will also take place at the Tree Lighting.
Local groups are encouraged to participate in the holiday festivities by hosting booths with cider, holiday goodies, and trimmings. There is no fee to participate - just call the Chamber to confirm participation.
While out and about check out the holiday happenings at your favorite shopping stops. Let the local merchants help you with your holiday list of making Christmas wishes come true. The holidays are a busy time.
As we take time for family and friends over the holidays, let us be thankful for this wonderful city that we live in and for the people who make Havre a great place to live and shop. These activities are planned to take place, weather permitting. Should there be any changes in the schedule due to inclement weather, please stay tuned to our local radio stations.